Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Womes Sufferage

Major figures of movement http://t separatelyer.scholastic.com/activities/women/notable.htm Three of the centermost advocates of womens covers were, predictably, women themselves: Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Amelia Bloomer. Each pushed for the same ultimate goal, for women to be able to exercise their rights as citizens. Yet, each of them did so from different perspectives and on different levels. When considering their words, one can hold fast wind indications and hints of their own personal backgrounds and beliefs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was married to Henry Stanton, a doom to the World Anti-Slavery Convention. Considered one of the most important figures in the womens balloting movements, she was long involved in many womens suffrage organizations and presented her speeches with a democratic and lawful perspective. unity such speech turn to the issue of part, advocating that women kept in an unhappy or loveless marriage was slavery in the worst terms. Susan B. Anthony was a mavin worker born to a Quaker family. After impact Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she became an activist in the womens rights movement and many of her petitions were for women to have the right to vote.
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Her Quaker background can be seen in the literary works of her words, in which she uses examples from many Quaker preachers and Quaker beliefs. The words of each of these women were similar, seeing as how they were all reaching for the same cause. One of the most prominent and successful arguments they presented was the comparison of women to slaves. Each woman, in one fashion or another, addresses the issue of women being hard-boiled as property, much as the enslaved African American. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in addressing the McFarland-Richardson divorce case several times, illuminates the enslaving position of women denied a divorce, becoming chained in an abusive or loveless marriage that solo wreaks havoc and breeds unhappiness in the atmosphere of the home. She contends... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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