Tuesday, June 19, 2012

College Admission Essay Example

There has been lot of arguments concerning various forms of writing. The source of arguments majorly comes from different views that individual have concerning various means of writing college essays. Up to date, there has been no concrete reason given out indicating the importance of writing these essays. From the scholars point of view, it is argued that an individual’s ability to come up with good essays increases his or her chances of being admitted to colleges and consequently to higher institutions of learning.
 Those some people have strongly doubted this, sometimes the college is found to rely heavily on the capability of an individual being considering admission. To add on this, most of the colleges struggle to produce the best from their students. They therefore ensure that the students are able to perform extremely well in an effort to get popular and eventually increased the demand of the services being offered at the colleges. This is because it is considered that, any poor performance in a given college makes more students to shy away from being associated with such colleges. If this trend continues, then the collage might be closed down. If this happens, lot of losses result and eventually the invested capital by the shareholders becomes useless.
 It is therefore very important to come up with an excellent college admission essay example in order to get a chance of joining the best colleges around. Failure for the students to do so, they will end up in poor performing colleges meaning that their grades will also be very poor. The negative impact of poor grades may mean lack of employment opportunities.